Galwegians- July 2023

There are exciting happenings coming to the Galway Hall. Our Municipality is moving forward with the renovations to our Hall’s kitchen. Below is part of a communiqué from the Municipality’s Parks and Recreation office:

“The Municipality (MTL) has awarded the RFP for kitchen renovations to MVW Construction (MVW). MVW completed the siding, insulation, and fencing at the Galway Hall in recent years. MTL and MVW have met with the kitchen committee to review design considerations and timing. MVW will be working on design, permitting, and procurement through the summer months. The kitchen is scheduled to be cleared out during the month of August, with a hard start for MVW at the beginning of September. The Construction is expected to be completed by mid December as per the RFP requirement. MVW will set up some site/work area barriers that may encroach into the main hall.”

Therefore, there will be no bookings for the main hall after July 31st and for the remainder of 2023. Any prior bookings for the main hall during this time period are cancelled. Alas, this includes the Galway Hall’s turkey supper!

The Galway Hall’s meeting room is not affected by the construction, nor is the offices used by the Greater Harvey Historical Society. Our local Tai Chi group already has already agreed to use the meeting  room for their classes during the renovations.

Check out our website at for progress on the kitchen renovations once they have started.

Sadly, the Minden Hospital ER closed its doors on June 1st despite the valiant efforts of the citizens that rallied to try to save it. Seasonal and permanent residents of Galway and area now have to decide, if an emergency arises, where does one go? Minden ER was the ‘go to’ choice for many people and now it is not an option.

For the most part of June (so far), the natural world has been eerily quiet. The loons on Clear Bay are an example. The white-throated sparrow and the barred owl are other noticeable examples. On the other hand, during a couple of the warm evenings that were enjoyed, bullfrogs (yes, plural) were in fine chorus form, singing the nights away. Two birds that do a lot of singing still are the robins and the red-eyed vireo. The later is very noticeable very early in the mornings and late evenings. 

Our area ran a string of 9 consecutive ‘Bluebird Sky’ days! This means that there were no visible clouds in the sky. However, our area also experienced 3 or 4 consecutive days of smoke from the forest fires occurring in Ontario and Quebec.

Looking upwards into our night sky, on July 1st, at 2:48 am, Venus and Mars are in conjunction. The full moon occurs on July 3rd. It is also a supermoon and is called the Buck Moon. This moon is also known as the Thunder Moon and the Hay Moon. On July 29th and 30th, the Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower occurs. This shower is produced by debris left behind by comets Marsden and Kracht. However, the brightness of the nearly full moon will block most of the fainter meteors. 

Looking ahead at our night skies, Aug 1st is a full moon and supermoon, August 10th is Mercury, August 12th and 13th is the Perseid Meteor Shower, August 27th is Saturn and August 31st is another full moon, supermoon, and blue moon.

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